Comments from Members
I thought I would give it a try, but I didn’t really think it would be for me.
How wrong could I have been?
The reason I use the stroke club is to meet my good friends, to chat, and enjoy their company.
I also found the advice I have been given by my pals, has helped me come to terms with what has happened to me.
I came to the group because I felt it would be good to share with folk who had suffered the same, and in doing so, found it a very friendly group. With lots to do and share.
As a carer it meant that I had other people who had gone through the same feelings as I had.
I look forward to going to meet my friends and enjoy a good joke.
Basically it is simple, I need all the help and enjoyment I can get, and hope that I can contribute the same back. Also I find it very friendly and relaxing.
We find it very friendly, helpful, and informative. We also enjoy the outings.
I didn’t think I was a club type of person but the friendship is great and I really look forward to getting out every Wednesday now.
The clubs is socially stimulating and not full of old people, as I feared it might be.
I come to have a laugh. After my stroke I thought I had lost my sense of humor, but I haven’t.
Everyone is so welcoming and friendly.
I really enjoy the varied timetable that the club offers. The speakers are very interesting and I love all the trips out.
I enjoy meeting other carers and understanding how each other feels, its not just the person who has had the stroke that it effects, It’s everyone in the family. You also make new friends.
At first I felt un-easy going to that first meeting, but it was easier than I thought, and before long I found that I was laughing at these stranger’s jokes.